About Us
Siddhisworman Akshalok Sahityik Kendra
Siddhishworman Akshalok Sahityik Kendra (SASK), established in 2021 (2078 BS) in Kathmandu, is dedicated to promoting literature, inspiring the younger generation to engage with the arts, and fostering social change through cultural initiatives. Our work is driven by a passion for building a literature-conscious society and creating platforms that empower individuals to thrive in their respective fields. SASK has actively engaged in diverse programmes aimed at social and cultural transformation.
To date, SASK has recognized and awarded over 90 individuals for their outstanding contributions to society. The center supports community colleges and book donations to libraries.. Additionally, SASK has initiated competitions, such as poetry contests, to provide a platform for talented individuals.
The organisation was founded to honor the memory and works of Prof. Siddhishwor Man Shrestha, who had made a tremendous contribution in Nepal’s literary world with the continuous publication of Akshalok Literary Magazine and various other publications for more than four decades.
In the short period since its inception, SASK has been successful in organising various national and international events and have made a mark in Nepal’s literary world.
The organisation was officially registered on September 28, 2021 (12th Ashwin 2078), though it organised several events even before that date. Previously operating as Akshalok Prakashan, it has published more than 100 books spanning academic, cultural, social, economic, literary, and other sectors. Akshalok Publication was established in 2037 BS, which means it has been operating for over five decades.
The flagship event of SASK is the annual award distribution ceremony where 90+ people have been felicitated, including distinguished personalities such as Bhadra Kumari Ghale, Maya Thakuri, and Shanta Das Manandhar. The ceremony has also included the declaration of the ‘Mother Pillar’ of Nepali language and Newari language literature. The event also features the launch of the literary magazine ‘Akshalok.’
सिद्धिश्वरमान अक्षलोक साहित्यिक केन्द्र
मुलुक भित्र र बाहिर साहित्य उन्नयनमा क्रियाशील स्रष्टाहरुको सत्प्रयासमा साहित्यिक गतिविधि, साहित्य मार्फत समाजमा जागरण, साहित्य चेतना भएको समाज निर्माण, अग्रज साहित्यकारहरुलाई सम्मान र नूतन पुस्तालाई साहित्यमा आकर्षित तथा प्रोत्साहन गर्ने उद्देश्यले सिद्धिश्वरमान अक्षलोक साहित्यिक केन्द्रको जन्म भएको हो ।
अक्षलोक साहित्यिक पत्रिका विगत ४५ वर्ष देखि अटुट रुपमा प्रकाशित हुँदै आएको विशिष्ट पत्रिका हो । यहि अदितीय पत्रिका र यस पत्रिकाका जन्मदाता तथा ४५ वर्षसम्म प्रधानसम्पादक रहनु भएका सिद्धिश्वरमान श्रेष्ठको स्मृतिमा स्थापित संस्था हो । यो संस्थाको स्थापना २०७८ असोज १२ गते भएको हो ।
यो नेपाल तथा विदेशमा रहेका नेपाली साहित्यकारहरु तथा समाजसेवीहरू सम्मिलित रहेको नयाँ तर अत्यन्त क्रियाशील उर्जावान संस्था हो । जन्मेको डेढ वर्षमा यसले अनेकौं युगान्तकारी कार्यहरू सम्पूर्ण गरिसकेको छ ।
यस्तो पृष्टभूमिमा सिद्धिश्वरमान अक्षलोक साहित्यिक केन्द्रको स्थापनाको पहिलो वर्षमा नै नेपाली साहित्यले नेपाली साहित्यका आमा खम्बाहरू पाइसकेको छ । युगल साहित्य साधकहरू पाईसकेको छ । सर्वोच्च स्वास्थ्य साधक, शिक्षा साधक, सर्वोकृष्ट संचारकर्मी पनि पाइसकेको छ । काम गर्ने कालु मकै खाने भालु भन्ने उखान धेरै जसो लागु हुने हाम्रो समाजमा सिद्धिश्वरमान अक्षलोक साहित्यिक केन्द्रले यथार्थमा सम्मानयोग्य र आफ्नो क्षेत्रमा उल्लेख्य योगदान गरेर पनि ओझेलमा रहेका व्यक्तिहरूलाई सम्मान गर्ने जर्मको गरेको छ । देश तथा विदेशका किर्तिरत्नहरूको यथार्थमा सम्मान भएको छ । यस्ता कार्यहरूको लागि सबैबाट केन्द्रलाई सहयोग तथा हैसला पनि प्राप्त भएको छ ।
Siddhishworman Akshalok Sahityik Kendra at a Glance
Mission Statement
At SASK, our mission is to empower individuals through the transformative power of literature and social action. By promoting Nepali writers and fostering creative expression, we aim to inspire the younger generation. Through impactful cultural initiatives and social programs, we work towards driving positive social change and empowering people to thrive and make meaningful contributions.
Our Core Values
• Creativity – We champion the power of creative expression, recognizing literature and the arts as vehicles for change, innovation, and societal progress.
• Community – We value working together with like-minded individuals and organizations to strengthen our collective efforts and achieve shared goals for social and cultural development.
• Empowerment – We believe in empowering individuals through access to literature, creative expression, and social initiatives, fostering a sense of self-worth and agency.
• Social Responsibility – We strive to make a meaningful impact through social initiatives that drive positive change in communities, addressing both cultural and societal needs.
• Heritage – We are dedicated to promoting and preserving Nepali culture, literature, and traditions, while encouraging contemporary contributions that shape the future of the arts.
• Inclusion – We are committed to creating inclusive platforms that amplify diverse voices, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to contribute.
Our Philosophy
At SASK, we believe that literature is not merely a form of expression, but a powerful tool for social change. We view the arts as a bridge between generations, communities, and cultures, inspiring reflection, dialogue, and transformation. Our philosophy is rooted in the conviction that through the empowerment of individuals, we can foster a more inclusive and progressive society. By nurturing creativity, encouraging critical thought, and championing social responsibility, we strive to create a world where both literature and social action converge to inspire lasting change.